This action has been very successful. We would like to thank the trainers from the NVC-Info-Portal for 31 offers (introductory seminars) they provided for the action.
There were face-to-face offerings for all zip code areas and also some online introductions to win. There have been 122 people registered for the lottery.
During the Zoom raffle, which Klaudia Schäfer and Nicole Ganser from the D-A-CH board organized and carried out, twelve raffle participants* were present. We were able to congratulate two lucky winners directly, and Nicole Ganser notified all the others by e-mail the next day.
We think this is a great campaign and would not have thought that so many "new" people would be interested in the NVC and sign up. After all, 70% want to continue to be informed about the NVC newsletter. We are so pleased that we immediately and spontaneously decided: we will do it again next year. And who knows: maybe other organizations will join in and the idea of raffling off introductory seminars on the day of the NVC will spread far beyond Germany. In any case, that is our "schnapps" idea.
We are still thinking about how we can increase the attendance during the raffle and one idea is: whoever is present during the online raffle gets a double chance to win. It's just so nice when those who also win are right there.
So: that will be continued.