
At this time the project group "NVC Day" receives its financing from the supporting organisations.

If you would like to provid financial support, we will be happy to receive your donation to the account of D-A-CH e. V.:

D-A-CH e. V.
IBAN: DE56430609677005957700 
Reference: Donation Day of NVC

100% of your donation will be received by the project group. Upoon request we will send you a contribution receipt for tax purposes.

Die organisationsübergreifende Projektgruppe zum „Tag der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation“ finanziert sich zurzeit durch Zuwendungen der unterstützenden Organisationen.
If you would like to provid financial support, we will be happy to receive your donation to the account of D-A-CH e. V.:
D-A-CH e. V. IBAN: DE56430609677005957700  BIC: GENODEM1GLS Verwendungszweck: Spende Tag der GFK“
100% of your donation will be received by the project group. Upoon request we will send you a contribution receipt for tax purposes.