October 6

Birthday of Marshall B. Rosenberg

Logo of Day of Nonviolent Communication

With this annually recurring
day of remembrance and action

(Motto 2025: Jeder Tag – Tag der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation)

we contribute

to spread the non-violent communication.

Do you join us?

We celebrate the Non-Violent-Communication Day at many places around the 6th of October.
This day is set at Dr. Marshall B. Rosenbergs birthday to honour his life’s work.
Would you like to
1. contribute to understanding and communication?
2. bring hardened situations to flow?
3. support in your team a constructive co-operation?
4. promote an open dialogue?
5. deal with creative and solution-oriented perspectives?
6. create an environment in which both individuality as well as communion are possible?
Are you longing for a world of empathy and sincerity; a peaceful world?

With the Non -Violent-Communication Day we show that nonviolent communication is an effective key towards this direction. We all show that we are here as human beings with potentials in different contexts. The cross-organizational project group invites all interested people to take part as campaigner or participant.
Initially the the Non-Violent Communication Day started at October 06th, 2016. Yearly it takes place with diverse activities. The Non-Violent-Communication Day is included to the list of memorial and action days in Wikipedia to the list of memorial and action days in Wikipedia aufgenommen worden und bei der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung als Gesundheitstag.

We create the day - we show ourselves - we show the Non-Violent Communication - Together at many places - with diversity, visions and ideas - with improvisations - performances - Public engagements - Initiatives as workshops, speeches, informative meetings and a lot more – join us!

Rosenberg verstand die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation als eine Haltung zur Verbesserung des zwischenmenschlichen Miteinanders. Nur im aufrichtigen und empathischen Kontakt gelingt Kommunikation und dauerhaft friedvolle Beziehung. Er war überzeugt, dass die Art und Weise unseres Sprechens eine entscheidende Rolle bei unserer Fähigkeit spielt, einfühlsam zu bleiben.

His work was influenced by the insights of his teacher Carl Rogers (humanistic psychology) from client-centered psychotherapy and Gandhi's reflections on non-violence. He himself said that his concept does not involve anything new, "everything that has been integrated into NVC has already been known for centuries. So it's about reminding us of something we already know - how our interpersonal communication was originally intended."

For more than three decades, he offered his seminars all over the world, and his concept is now applied in families, schools, psychotherapy and counseling, organizations and companies, and in diplomatic and business negotiations. Rosenberg is also used in crisis and war zones to promote non-violent communication, even between hostile ethnic groups (e.g. in Israel and Palestine). In 1994, for example, Serbian educators and psychologists, supported by UNICEF, developed a three-volume work on learning nonviolent communication according to Rosenberg's method for kindergartens and schools.

Rosenberg's goals were:

  • Dissolving our old patterns of defense, retreat and offense;
  • Reducing resistance, defensiveness, and violent reactions;
  • Promote appreciation, attention, empathy, and a desire to give from the heart;
  • Directing attention in a direction that increases the likelihood of getting what we are looking for;
  • Discovering the potential of our empathy by clarifying observation, feeling and need - rather than diagnosis and judgment.


Anyone who has questions or would like to make suggestions is welcome to meet with us online

Hier können Fragen bewegt werden, wie:

  • Was hättest du gerne von der Projektgruppe, um eine eigene Aktion bei dir vor Ort oder online zu starten?
  • Was wünschst du dir, um den 90. Geburtstag von Marshall B. Rosenberg zu feiern?
  • Hast du Ideen/Anregungen für die organisationsübergreifende Projektgruppe und/oder möchtest dich hier engagieren?

Bitte formlos eine Mail senden an: info@tag-der-gfk.org

Übrigens findest Du uns auch bei Linkedin:

The Project Group - About Us
Die Projektgruppe zum Tag der GFK setzt sich aus ehrenamtlichen Mitgliedern unterstützender Organisationen zusammen. Grau hinterlegt sind ehemalige Mitglieder.
Petra Porath

Petra Porath

Initiator & Board member of Fachverband Gewaltfreie Kommunikation e. V.
Guénloa Langenberg

Guénola Langenberg

Member of Fachverband Gewaltfreie Kommunikation e. V.

Klaudia Schäfer

NVC-Network Mainz-Wiesbaden
Marion Kaiser

Marion Kaiser

Nonviolent Communication Network Munich e. V.
Waltraud Kieß-Haag

Waltraud Kieß-Haag

Board member of D-A-CH deutsch sprechender Gruppen für Gewaltfreie Kommunikation e. V.

Franz Winter

Member of NVC Austria

Dirk Bieber

Founding member of local NVC-Network Lower Rhine Area

Angela Schnelle

Former office of Fachverband Gewaltfreie Kommunikation e.V., Organizational Support

John Gather

Supporter (Translation)

Hanna Grubhofer

Member of the board of the association Gewaltfreie Kommunikation Austria
Melanie Bieber

Melanie Bieber

Founding member of local NVC-Network Lower Rhine Area


Christian Peters

Member of D-A-CH deutsch sprechender Gruppen für Gewaltfreie Kommunikation e. V.

Andrea Stadler

Member of NVC Austria


Michael d'Aguiar

Michael d’Aguiar

Ehemaliger Unterstützer | Mitglied im D-A-CH e. V.


Manuela Petzold

Manuela Petzold

Co-Initiator and supporter | Member of Fachverband Gewaltfreie Kommunikation e. V.
Supporting Organizations
The following organizations already support the initiative for the Day of Nonviolent Communication
Join in and participate!
Join a project group or start your own! Spread the word on the Day of Nonviolent Communication!
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Our stickers

No matter where - on your car, bike, mail-box or laptop - these stickers for NVC Day attract attention! They make your friends curious! Go ahead and spread them everywhere!! :)

Our postcards

Freshly printed postcards, catchingly lighting up in blue, green and orange! Making these wonderful short statements they invite to pause, reflect, get curious and want to be handed on with a cheeky "Tell it further to ..." The back is designed as postcard, to be given as a present or to be sent by mail.

Our eCards

And the digital version of our Postcards shines in these blue, green or orange colors too! Mail a personalized eCard to your friends and acquaintances. Just select one of our motives and send it with your own text. Our eCards fit many occasions: a greeting, just for the fun of it, an inspirational couple of words or even - just in - a XMAS version.


The project group for NVC Day is receiving finances from supporting organizations. If you wish to support us, we joyfully receive any amount of money you enjoy giving, in order to make our offerings available to people more widely.

Die organisationsübergreifende Projektgruppe zum „Tag der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation“ finanziert sich zurzeit durch Zuwendungen der unterstützenden Organisationen.
If you would like to provid financial support, we will be happy to receive your donation to the account of D-A-CH e. V.:
D-A-CH e. V. IBAN: DE56430609677005957700  BIC: GENODEM1GLS Verwendungszweck: Spende Tag der GFK“
100% of your donation will be received by the project group. Upoon request we will send you a contribution receipt for tax purposes.