Register activity

Would you like to organize an activity for Nonviolent Communication Day yourself? Then you can download information here to help you do so. As a day of remembrance and action, Nonviolent Communication Day is intended to draw attention to NVC with free/cost-covering offers in order to give as many people as possible access to it. You are also welcome to order our stickers, flyers and postcards and borrow the NVC Day banner. Please just send us a message.

NVC Day Logo


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    Your name (required)

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    Wir werden die Veranstaltung nach Prüfung so schnell wie möglich auf der Website veröffentlichen

    Die organisationsübergreifende Projektgruppe zum „Tag der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation“ finanziert sich zurzeit durch Zuwendungen der unterstützenden Organisationen.
    If you would like to provid financial support, we will be happy to receive your donation to the account of D-A-CH e. V.:
    D-A-CH e. V. IBAN: DE56430609677005957700  BIC: GENODEM1GLS Verwendungszweck: Spende Tag der GFK“
    100% of your donation will be received by the project group. Upoon request we will send you a contribution receipt for tax purposes.